3118云顶(集团)官方网站-Made in China



讲座主题:Organisational Modes and Sustainable Development: Greening the National Accounts

  讲 人:Philip Lawn



主讲人简介:Professor Philip Lawn is currently a Senior Research Fellow with the Centre of Full Employment and Equity (University of Newcastle) and a Visitor at the School of Economics (University of Adelaide). Over the past decade Philip has become an authority on ‘green GDP’ and has written and edited a number of books and articles on the principles, indicators, and policy aspects of sustainable development. Some of his books include: Sustainable Development Indicators in Ecological Economics (2006, Edward Elgar), Frontier Issues in Ecological Economics (2007, Edward Elgar), Sustainable Welfare in the Asia-Pacific (2008, co-edited with Matthew Clarke, Edward Elgar), and Environment and Employment: A Reconciliation (2009, Routledge). Philip has recently finished a climate change book (Springer, 2016) and an edited volume on how nations can best make the transition to a sustainable, just, and efficient economy (Edward Elgar, 2013).



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