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    Faculty and staff

The School of Philosophy currently has two departments, respectively Department of Philosophy and Department of Political Science. There are 56 people on its faculty and staff, 47 of whom are faculty members, including 9 professors, 18 associate professors, 7 doctoral supervisors, and 43 master’s supervisors. Among the faculty members, 93% hold doctoral degree, including two persons receive the expert allowance of the State Council of China, two receive the expert allowance of Hubei Provincial Government, one is named in the Philosophy and Social Sciences Leading Academics of the National Ten Thousand Talent Program, one is selected as the National Level Candidate of the New CenturyNational Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project, one is named in Culture Masters and “Four Groups” Talent Project, two are named in the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education of China, one is named in the first batch of Hubei Provincial Middle-aged and Young Marxism Theorists, one is selected in Hubei Provincial Propaganda and Cultural Talents Training Project - Seven Hundred Program, three are selected as the Wen Lan Young Scholars. The faculty members own good educational background, learning-edge structure and academic accomplishment.

Discipline Construction

TheSchooloffers three bachelor degree programs, includingphilosophy,internationalpolitics and sociology.Ithas three Tier-1 disciplines(including philosophy, politics and sociology)offering 12 master’s degree programs, includingMarxist philosophy, Chinese philosophy, foreign philosophy, ethics, science and technology philosophy, aesthetics, logic, political theory, Chinese and foreign political system, international politics, international relations, sociology). It alsooffers Master of SocialWork (MSW) programand Doctoral degreeprograms of Marxist philosophy and economic ethics. It forms a relatively full-fledged talent training system which includes bachelor degree, master’s degree and doctoral degree. Tier-1 philosophy is one of the key disciplines in Hubei province, and Marxist philosophy is one of the national key disciplines construction cultivated by the university, and becomes the discipline that recruits the candidate ofChu Tian Outstanding-scholar Program sponsored by Hubei Provincial Government. Meanwhile, Marxist philosophy, ethics, and international politics are the key disciplines of the university.

Scientific Research

In recent5years, the school has successfully acquired 12 projects supported by the National Social Science Foundation, 22 projects supported bythe Ministry of Education of Humanities and Social Science project and Hubei Province Social Science Foundation, with project funds over 3,770,000 Yuan. Averagely each full-time teacher has 17,000 Yuana yearfor scientific research. Over twenty academic monographs and textbooks have been published by Peoples Publishing House, China Social Sciences Press and so on; more than 150 academic papers have been published, nine of which were reported in the first and second levelauthoritative journals, such asSocial Sciences in China andPhilosophical Researches;40 papers were published in the third levelauthoritative journals; one person won the first prize and 6 persons won the third prize for Hubei ProvinceorWuhanSocial Science Outstanding AchievementAward.

Academic Exchange

Every year the school invitesfamousscholars and experts both at home and abroad togive lectures, andalsosupportsthe faculty membersto attend internationalacademic conferences. Professor Tao Deling, the former president of Wuhan University, Professor Zhang Yibing, the party committee secretary of Nanjing Universityand the Changjiang Scholar Professor Wang Xinyan arehiredas part-timeprofessors oftheschool.With the increasingly expansion of the scale and enhance of the level of the international exchange,more scholars from foreign universities with good reputation, Oxford University for instance, are coming to our school.

Personnel Training

The school of Philosophy insists that thecultivation of talents should be the central task, and emphasizes thetraining of general quality andinnovation capacity of the students, helping them grow up asinterdisciplinary talents with solid foundation,wide range of knowledge and greatcompatibility. In these 5 years, 1 students of the schoolwon the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of Hubei Province, 4 studentswon the Excellent Master Dissertation Award of Hubei Province and 15 studentswon the ExcellentBachelor Dissertation Award of Hubei Province.ThePostgraduate entrance examination rateof theundergraduates of our schoolranksin the front ofthat ofZhongnan University ofEconomics and Laws, and the employment quality is gradually improving.



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